Digital Marketing

Debunking the Most Common Digital Marketing Myths That Exist Today

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing

When we talk about digital marketing, we often focus on what doesn’t work. Unfortunately, this can lead to major blind spots in your marketing strategy.

For example, how many times in the past five years did you hear the phrase, “SEO is dead”? Do you keep hearing that email marketing is now outdated? Is it true that your online audience is too big to target effectively?

These are all wide-sweeping generalizations that turned into digital marketing myths. The truth is, every digital marketing strategy is different. Every one of those “myths” could be a cornerstone of your advertising campaign.

Looking for a list of myths you need to be wary of? Here are the eight most common offenders—and why they’re all wrong!

Myth #1: Having A Website Is Enough

The logic here is clear: your website contains all the information customers need. As long as they find it, your business will market itself.

The problem, of course, is getting to your website in the first place. Having a website isn’t the same as having a web presence. For people to discover your business, you need SEO, PPC, content creation, and other strategies.

Think of your website as a house address. You must have one, but you still need to interact with neighbors for them to notice you. And like on the internet, it’s best to be friendly and helpful.

Myth #2: It’s Only For Big Businesses

Many small-to-midsized companies think that digital marketing only works for big businesses. As a result, they tend to avoid it.

In reality, all businesses can use digital marketing. The size of your business isn’t relevant, whether you have a single employee or a thousand. Your services and products don’t affect your marketing ability, either.

Also, digital marketing doesn’t require a massive budget. Even with an SMB-sized budget, smart marketing will still see you turn a profit. As a general rule, you should spend seven to eight percent of your revenue on marketing.

Myth #3: Online Audience Is Too Broad

In 2022, 4.95 billion people in the world are online. Some believe this audience is too broad to find people interested in your business.

That line of thought does make sense… for traditional marketing. When you pay for a billboard, you market to everyone. As a result, you’re likely wasting time on marketing to people who don’t care about your business.

With digital marketing, you can target people interested in your services. Not only does this save you money, but it brings in more qualified leads. All you have to do is to run a marketing campaign that fits your business needs.

Myth #4: Content Quantity Beats Quality

As anyone who’s written a blog post knows, content is king. Many companies try to capitalize on that by getting as much content out as possible.

The issue with this strategy is that quality will beat quantity every time. Let’s say you put out 100 low-grade content pieces and 50 well-researched ones. The latter pieces will always perform better by orders of magnitude.

Even if you have lots of great content, your audience may not respond to it. You must also present it in an engaging and informative manner. With so much content out there, subpar work will only hurt your marketing efforts.

Myth #5: Email Marketing Is Dead

Every few years, new marketing strategies start making waves. Inevitably, some marketers will look at email marketing and proclaim it outdated.

So far, this hasn’t come to fruition. Even now, email marketing is still one of the most effective revenue-building strategies out there. For every $1 you spend on email marketing, you can expect to earn $42 back.

What’s the secret? As it turns out, lots of people still enjoy receiving emails from companies they love. That includes promotional emails, dedicated emails, brand stories, and everything in-between.

Myth #6: Personalization Is Creepy

If you know about digital marketing, you know about personalization. It’s a term for tailoring your customer experience based on their needs.

On one hand, personalization requires you to know your audience intimately. That’s the only way to deliver content relevant to them. Some people think this is a breach of their digital privacy or find it creepy.

Realistically, though, most customers love personalized brand experiences. Studies show that people expect to receive content that suits their interests. A one-size-fits-all campaign isn’t getting the job done anymore.

Myth #7: SEO Doesn’t Work Anymore

SEO is another strategy that gets the short end of the stick in the marketing industry. Now and then, you’ll hear that it “doesn’t work” anymore.

If someone tells you this, they’re likely clueless or selling something. SEO isn’t dead—it simply evolved to prioritize high-quality content. The days of spamming backlinks to rank your content higher are gone.

Now, it’s true that SEO did get very competitive as a result of these changes. That said, as long as you put in the effort, SEO will be worth your time. Of course, you can also outsource your digital marketing to the pros.

Myth #8: Mobile Traffic Doesn’t Convert

We left this one for last because it’s more of a half-truth than a myth. Mobile traffic doesn’t convert that well unless you optimize for it.

The fact is, there’s a big difference between the mobile and desktop user experience. If you’re targetting mobile users, you must grab their attention. Otherwise, they’ll spend a few seconds on your site and head off elsewhere.

Let’s say you have a high-converting action page for desktop users. If you want it to convert high on mobile as well, you’ll need to optimize it. Make the purchasing experience fun, simple, and as engaging as possible.

Don’t Believe These Digital Marketing Myths!

The bottom line: digital marketing isn’t all black and white. There’s a lot of space for nuance when it comes to creating a marketing strategy.

The above digital marketing myths are particularly dangerous. If you take them seriously, they may be detrimental to your marketing plan. Hopefully, we’ve given you enough reason to look at them in a different light.

Interested in an innovative marketing strategy for your business? Check out our Content Marketing section for more advertising talk!

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