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3 Home Window Replacement Mistakes and How to Avoid Them


home window replacement mistakes

You aren’t the eyes of your home or anything ridiculous like that, but they are an important aspect of your energy cost and conservation. Leaky can influence temperatures in your home by multiple degrees.

If you’re getting the chill (or the heat) from your and are looking into installing new windows, this is the guide for you.

We’re going over three common home replacement mistakes below, so you don’t make them yourself!

1. Not Getting Multiple Estimates

Almost every window company out there offers free estimates for your project. And while this guide attempts to give you a rundown of things you need to know, we can’t give you personalized financial quotes.

Quotes for window service differ between companies, increase or decrease with labor cost trends in your location, depends on the size of the project, and the quality of you choose.

For that reason, companies will likely give you a price estimate in the form of a price range. This is normal – and you should assume the average (or highest) price, to be safe when you’re comparing different rates.

There may be some use in mentioning that you’re getting multiple estimates to the company professional when they’re there. Some companies price match, while more motivated companies may be willing to give you a deal for going with them. Don’t commit to anything in person and get all offers in writing!

2. Not Considering Window Efficiency

You can get a few panes of glass for pretty cheap if you are looking for the bare minimum replacements. However, those savings won’t last in the long term. make a huge impact on how efficent your home’s heating and cooling is.

In fact, that may be why you’re reading this guide in the first place. We’re here to tell you that yes, it is worth it to spend more on efficent windows for your home.

It will cost more at first, but you’ll see savings in your energy bill down the line, and can list it as a feature if you ever list your home.

3. Trying to Do The Replacement Yourself

We encourage homeowners to do a lot of things themselves. Changing air filters, cleaning out the dryer exhaust vent, indoor repairs, and so on. But we do not encourage you to try to replace your own windows – or even order them without working with a professional.

This is one aspect of your home where it doesn’t pay off to do it yourself. From dangerous installation to expensive materials, you don’t want to mess this up. Many glass repair and window replacement companies offer payment plans if you’re worried about your window installation budget.

Home Window Replacement Mistakes

Can you imagine how heartbreaking it would be if you had a that was worth hundreds of dollars, tried to install it, and broke it in the process? Unless you have previous experience installing windows, don’t DIY this project.

We hope you’ve enjoyed this guide on how to avoid home replacement mistakes. For more lifestyle and homeowner content, follow our blog.

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