
A Step-By-Step Guide to Selling Your Home     


Selling a home can be just as intense as buying one. There are many things to consider and steps to take before you even put it up on the market.

Consider Costs

Utilize a seller closing costs calculator to determine what costs may come out upon sale of your home. This will calculate any agent commission, taxes, or fees associated with selling.

This can give a better financial picture, especially if you’re looking at the money made possibly going towards a new home.

Get A Good Agent

Do thorough research to pick the agent that’s right for you. Look at their sales history and professional designations, as well as reviews.

You want an agent who knows the market and has been in the business for a solid period of time. Look at current listings they have to see how the position homes in terms of description and photos used.

Agents will come with commission fees, but in the end, that money will be worth it if you find yourself with a good agent who nails the sale.

Get An Inspection

This is optional, but wise to do if you can afford to. A detailed inspection report can identify any structural or mechanical home issues. This puts you a step ahead of buyers, who will most likely do an inspection of their own.

Make a plan to either fix these issues or figure any repair costs into your asking price. If you do repairs, this may help the house sell quicker and more easefully once on the market.

Do Repairs – But Don’t Go Overboard

You’re going to want to do any easy cosmetic repairs to make your home look more appealing, as well as any other repairs that add to the value of the house and put it in the good graces of buyers.

This is not the time, however, to make any needless upgrades where the cost far outweighs the value it adds. Updating old kitchen cabinetry is a simple upgrade that improves the living area, whereas deciding to resurface the countertops with granite is not a necessity.

Set the Stage

You will want the inside of the house to be as appealing as possible to buyers. This includes decluttering and depersonalizing the space.

Clean up not only visible areas but also spots where potential buyers may be tempted to peek into like closets and cabinets. Make sure your lighting is abundant.

Depersonalizing a space helps potential buyers envision their own lives in the house easier. Remove family photos, hobby-specific items, or funky furniture and fixtures.

Be Picture Perfect

Once you’ve staged the house, have a professional photographer come in to take photos of the property. These will be used once listing the house.

Proper photos can make or break a sale, as they are the first impression for buyers and will determine whether or not they move forward to step on your property.

Set A Realistic Price

While your agent can help with this, do your own research beforehand. Look at comps in the neighborhood and recent home sales to determine your price.

Too low and you can miss out on a good sale. Too high, and you may find your home in your hands much longer than you’d like.

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